The Macroeconomics Study Brief discusses major economic principles, concepts, structures and models that are considered part of the overall economy as a whole, including households, government and businesses. This issue of Study Briefs is intended as a conceptual overview for students enrolled in a basic or advanced economics course as well as for business professionals who are interested in a high-level introduction to macroeconomics. Quick accesss to definitions of key terms as well as clear and easy to understand explanations of key economic concepts are distinctive benefits of this brief academic outline. In an organized, easy-to-follow format, this Study Brief offers clear, understandable content that is reinforced by instructive examples and clarifying visuals. Topics covered include: economic problems, economic goals, understanding the economy, economic circular flow model, supply and demand, methods to compute aggregate output, market equilibrium, consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, aggregate supply and demand curves, Keynesian curves, output targeting, inflation, types of inflation, effects of inflation, types of unemployment, Philipp's Curve, Okun's Law, money and interest, the federal reserve system, international trade, and fiscal and monetary policy tools and issues, A brief summary of macroeconomic crises that have impacted history is also included.